Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Roasted Chicken

There is nothing so delicious and easy as roasted chicken in my opinion.  I try to use organic chicken if I am making a simple roasted chicken.  Organic chickens are so much affordable these days and available in most supermarkets.

I've tried several different recipes for roasted chicken but there is nothing as simple and good as Thomas Keller's simple roasted chicken.  I normally use a regular baking pan but this time, I used a 12 inch cast iron skillet by Lodge.  I love love this skillet.  No expensive pans make better fried eggs than this simple cast iron pan....but that's a different topic all together.

The chicken was delicious as always.  You really can't mess it up as long as you salt the chicken generously.

I also made some roasted brussels sprouts on the side.   I just added some chopped garlic, salt and pepper.

Here is the recipe for the chicken, http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/My-Favorite-Simple-Roast-Chicken-231348

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